Transport Canada Strips ‘International’ Designation from Regina, Saskatoon Airports

For Immediate Release

March 15, 2021

Transport Canada Strips ‘International’ Designation from Regina, Saskatoon Airports

In another blow to Saskatchewan air transportation infrastructure, Transport Canada appears poised to strip the ‘International’ designation from both major Saskatchewan airports.

In documents obtained by Michael Kram, MP for Regina-Wascana, Transport Canada lists the 13 Canadian airports it currently classifies as ‘international’, with Regina and Saskatoon conspicuously absent. (attached, Transport Canada Advisory Circular 302-032).

“The Liberal government and Transport Canada appear determined to decimate air transportation in Western Canada. First, they ignored pleas from the airports for pandemic relief. Next, they have sat on their hands as Nav Canada prepares to shutter air traffic control towers in Regina and elsewhere. Now, they’re stripping our airports of international designation in the midst of a pandemic,” Kram said.

While the full implications of the loss of this designated are unknown at this time, Kram raised concern that this, like the closure of the air traffic control tower, could lead to reduced flights to the Regina airport.

“The term ‘international’ is not just an honourary title. It’s a global classification system that airlines use to determine where they direct flights. The loss of this designation may mean that charter flights and the few direct international flights still coming into Regina may be redirected to other centres.”

Kram asserted that this move was further proof of the Liberal government’s disregard for Western Canada.

“The actions against Saskatchewan airports by the Liberal government seem almost punitive in nature. They will most certainly be harmful to our efforts to rebuild our economy as we emerge from the pandemic.”

Kram promised to use his position on the House of Commons Standing Committee on Transportation to fight loss of designation.

“The one ray of hope is that there is an appeal process for airports to reclaim their status. I will continue to consult with the executive of the Regina Airport and fight for their interests on the committee. However, this will have to be a team effort. I urge everyone in the Regina area to let the Liberal government know that we’re fed up with their attacks on our airport,” Kram said.

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For more information, contact:

Nigel Sharp
Constituency Assistant for MP Michael Kram, Regina-Wascana